Our Expertise Solutions
Frequently Asked Questions
What type of butter, oil and spices do you use to cook food at TAPU’s?
At TAPU’s we use endogenous organic stuff for cooking. We contract out butter from farmers’ cooperatives; and oil from factories that process non-acidic and non-coagulating sunflower oil. Our home-made Ethiopian spices such as pepper (locally known as berberë) are processed at the Balténa department of our company where they are carefully prepared to meet customers’ real taste of Ethiopian traditional flavor. We never use oil that coagulates at room temperature.
How are the prepared foods at your company processed? What kind of packaging devices do you use to pack the food items? For how long do they stay edible? OR, what is the shelf life of your products?
How do you transport your prepared foods, injera and Baltëna products to the international markets?
We transport our prepared foods (Doro Wot, Siga Wot, Minchetabish, and Fasting Foods) and baltëna products (Injera, Shiro, Berbere, and many more) to international markets by direct order using our web link. Contact us through our website: www.tapufoods.com and you will reap promising rewards from our services, provided by qualified and proven traditional food processors. OR, email us at: info@tapufoods.com so that we offer you the rate at which we provide services.